
Sunday 24 October 2010

Still Corners @ The Social

Tuesday 19th October
3 Bands
Over the Wall
Echo Lake
Still Corners
@ The Social

Venues Venues Venues. Big ones. Small ones.  Packed ones and tumble weeds.

The Social is a basement room of music loveliness. Or at least it was on the 19th. Downstairs from the Alpine Bar, is the chilled out, intimate venue that Still Corners headlined on Tuesday. First to offer up their gift to the ear gods in the audience, was the slightly eccentric, widely eclectic rhythms of Ben Hillman and Gav Prentice who are better known as Over the Wall. it is always great to see people on a stage who look chuffed to be there. Its infectious and brings a smile to my face, there is 'owning the stage,' and then there's being a cock, which these guys were not.

The PA guy from The social, brings another added level to the entertainment, big smiles and music loving, if you’ve been, you know what I mean!

The Social's surroundings downstairs is really perfect for that intimate gig. However it didn’t sit, with the levels for Echo Lakes performance. Cracking band, so I’m a little pissed about the sound but it wasn’t set well. If you went and felt the same don’t give up on Echo Lake they are great, but on this occasion the venue drowned the vocals. The singer has an amazing voice and the guitarist was sick, so it was a real shame, just jump on to the t’interweb and you’ll see what I mean.

Whoever thought of the line to sum up Still Corners was more spot on than a Dalmatian; they sound like ‘The First Frost,’ this is so true. Amazing backing visuals, they were by far the most polished performance. The emotion and lyrics were inspiring, a real fit for the venue, great call on the song choices SC, top bananas. Once they start you could feel your eyes closing for a second. Not tiredness, they just envelope the audience with the feeling and emotion of the song. This sort of talent is so rare and I can’t wait for the new release of songs. In fact, in a more motivated state, I think I would consider breaking into their practises to get first glimpse on new material!

Perfect end to a nice little night.
Still corners sound is fresh and challenging, and to sum up their performance I will alas repeat myself; you really feel the songs, it goes through you, leaving your emotions in the hands of the artists and the songs, a scary yet exciting thought.

Photo's to follow (iPhone is too technical to work)

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