
Thursday 16 December 2010

Intro to the Artists: Kleiner Shames

I got given the name Kleiner Shames around 12 years ago from some German speaking friends. I was always the youngest and smallest in the gang, so the name stuck.
Some of my earliest memories are of my crazy ideas or me creating things, usually resulting in me getting into trouble.

When I was three I thought I could use my nose as a cannon, I put a Playmobil cannon ball up it and tried to fire it out, it got stuck, my parents had to call the doctor out.

Aged four or five I taught my three year old cousin how to mix cement, completely encapsulated in the process we mixed it directly onto the drive. We eventually got bored and moved on to some more mischief. Later that day we got caught. The marks are still there 18 years later.

I got in to graffiti in November 2002 when I moved a friend’s sketch book to sit down. I opened it up, it clicked who he was and the rest is history, I was hooked!


The idea of painting on a large scale excited me. Also the adventure of painting graffiti was a natural progression from the adventures of being young.

I think a lot of my illustrative work today replicates that experimental and playfulness of being young. 

I enjoy using Inks, spray paints, oils and painting on to random surfaces and objects.

Kleiner Shames will be performing live art alongside the host, Robert Reed and at the end of the night their pieces will be up for auction at midnight before the headline act Marques Toliver.
Auction will be done by the master of ceremonies Jakey Zee

Ticket sales are starting to creep up so get yours now to ensure you get in.

Until the 23rd - Get your's here

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