
Tuesday 21 December 2010

Monday 20 December 2010

FINAL - Intro to the Artists: Rob Reed

#6: Rob Reed

It is only recently that I have really found the ability to draw from the world. Imitation is easy, to comprehend existence but adding something of yourself is very hard. Grasping the simple principles of what makes people react to what they see is the artist’s vocation and one, as young artists, are far from completely understand. After making the first steps onto that path of discovery, the work exhibited in The Populace Plays is a further progression into the unknown development of vision and mind. I admit this is by no means a final product.

I have a particular interest in the existence of dark and light forces within the world. This may sound a little far-fetched, but the fact is that everyday something bad and good will happen. I feel it is my duty to address these issues.

The reason I mainly use black and white is generally for this purpose, I also feel it adds drama. Black is submissive and generally everywhere, without it however, white wouldn’t be so bright. I see many aspects of the world in this greyscale, from benign conversations to current affairs. Artists call this the third eye; judgement and understanding. Everyone has it; some are just more comfortable using it. The Populace Plays is my achievement of reflecting the colour white; the good.  
Inflicting an emotion upon a viewer is what I strived to achieve. My aim in life as an artist is to produce a piece of work that lingers through the heart and soul like the sweet song of nostalgia. After all, art is opinion; therefore your guess is as good as mine. My high standards of art often leave me disappointed with others efforts but especially my own. It drives me crazy and I often lose patience with the art world and inwardly, with what I am doing. I feel that passion services well within my work.

My selection is pretty much split with emotional, concave thinking and positive outward reflection. It is hard to really explain the issues that lie on the forefront of my mind. Some days I can be bent in reflection, lost in thought and clouded in mind but with something as simple as pencil and paper I am able to explain it. This is my work from the past year of my life, nothing more, nothing less. I will not degrade it by saying the work is completely interlinked under an umbrella of a subject as it isn’t. I will not say each piece is as good as the next nor would I say I have made assumptions on how the world needs to change. I will say however, I have laid my soul on the canvas and welcome to its distain and pleasures.

To date, no work that is to be exhibited on the 23rd has been seen by any, but the creator. The viewing is exclusively the first opportunity to see nearly a years worth of work for this artist.

Until the 23rd - Get your Ticket's here

Thursday 16 December 2010

Intro to the Artists: Kleiner Shames

I got given the name Kleiner Shames around 12 years ago from some German speaking friends. I was always the youngest and smallest in the gang, so the name stuck.
Some of my earliest memories are of my crazy ideas or me creating things, usually resulting in me getting into trouble.

When I was three I thought I could use my nose as a cannon, I put a Playmobil cannon ball up it and tried to fire it out, it got stuck, my parents had to call the doctor out.

Aged four or five I taught my three year old cousin how to mix cement, completely encapsulated in the process we mixed it directly onto the drive. We eventually got bored and moved on to some more mischief. Later that day we got caught. The marks are still there 18 years later.

I got in to graffiti in November 2002 when I moved a friend’s sketch book to sit down. I opened it up, it clicked who he was and the rest is history, I was hooked!


The idea of painting on a large scale excited me. Also the adventure of painting graffiti was a natural progression from the adventures of being young.

I think a lot of my illustrative work today replicates that experimental and playfulness of being young. 

I enjoy using Inks, spray paints, oils and painting on to random surfaces and objects.

Kleiner Shames will be performing live art alongside the host, Robert Reed and at the end of the night their pieces will be up for auction at midnight before the headline act Marques Toliver.
Auction will be done by the master of ceremonies Jakey Zee

Ticket sales are starting to creep up so get yours now to ensure you get in.

Until the 23rd - Get your's here

Monday 13 December 2010

Intro to the Artists: Hugo Wijngaard


The inspiration for my practice comes from working with unwanted 35mm slides and over saturated post-cards. 
My artwork takes a critical view of reality, and how within the 20th century reality and the virtual are almost indistinguishable. Interest in the real and the virtual is the issues that arise when trying to represent something with the problems surrounding the idea of an original artefact and engaging with the discourse of authorship.

Raised in Somerset I realised on return I've not exhibited locally for a long time so though that Populace Plays gives me a good opportunity to showcase the work I've been making for shows across the UK and Europe. I've selected works from two previous shows ranging from drawings to prints and made new works to give this new audience a glimpse into my practise as an artist. 

Ticket sales are starting to creep up so get yours now to ensure you get in.

Until the 23rd - Get your's here

Sunday 12 December 2010

Intro to the Artists: Nick Marsh


Nick Marsh studied illustration with Rob at university, before moving to London, where the two shared a studio for an all too brief period of time. 

Still residing in London; graffiti, street art, traditional/folk art (from around the world) are big influences on Nick Marsh’s work and have found their way directly into his work, in the very esthetic of his pieces. However the people of London and the weird and wonderful things that they do are Nick’s true inspiration, giving rise to most of the character and creatures that adorn his imagination.

Nick has many strings to his bow, including; drawing, painting, animation and interactive design drawing on anyone number of these for a wide variety of projects, one of the most notable of which was Nike 78 earlier this year and is now planning on using his skills helping children’s charities around the world.

Nick will be joining the Populace Plays exhibition with some of his most exciting work. The true story is in the detail, he is another artist that pictures and images do not do justice to. So grab your knickers and come for an evening like no other, where you can meet the artists themselves, experience some live art and hear great bands to boot!

Ticket sales are starting to creep up so get yours now to ensure you get in.

Until the 23rd

Friday 3 December 2010

New Cover, Like no other

Happy Friday music lovers. to see in this rather white looking weekend here is an amazing over of Joni Mitchel's, Both Sides Now by Laura Rose. Laura who we recently saw play @ Ronnie's Bar (see review here) has again produced a little slice of happiness for your ears.

Stick in your headphones, sit back and watch the snow. It is the perfect 5 minute timeout.

Here is Laura's Soundcloud for more from her

See you on the 23rd

Tickets are on sale here.

Please purchase now to ensure you are on the list for the night

Tuesday 30 November 2010


King Charles, who has been over in the US of late, who has been winning the hearts and minds of American, went down so well that they are relocating their launch to NY. This is amazing news for the band and a cracking kick start. Alas this does mean they will not be joining us for the Populace Plays Exhibition.
From the end of something, comes the start of the new and with the new in mind, I am chuffed to announce the replacement; Marques Toliver. He is a cracking edition to an already incredible line up and will no doubt draw your attention as he did ours.

Nothing is quite like a string-instrument and even more unique is the sounds of this soulful musician.  As many have already written about his success, I will break down the essentials and lead you to the only real conclusion; that he is one of the most exciting new discoveries to hit the UK.

Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter, Marques Frank-Juan Toliver left the East Coast only to earn himself the grandest of homecomings. He has the priceless improv quality that so many hope for and few perfect. His debut UK tour with Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson was recently revamped by Grammy-award winner, Adele, who became a fan almost instantly. She like many see the amazing potential in this rising musician. We, like she, are smiling like Cheshire cats with the knowledge that he will be joining the collection for the Populace Plays night on the 23rd.

Hold on people, this is now a night not to miss.

Here is a snippet to get your taste buds going


Monday 29 November 2010

Intro to the Artists: Sam Marsh



Sam first met Rob while working in Frome and quickly found they shared the passion and ambition to celebrate the arts. 

Sam Marsh is a contemporary artist working with a focus on painting, drawing and exploring how to paint rather than what to paint. Reacting to a starting point, such as placing two images together based on their aesthetic make-up or the relationship between two colours, the painting process then evolves instinctively with the construction of the protagonist or ‘Hero’ figure, in mind. Character and aesthetic displayed in film genres such as Horror and B-Movies as well as modern media from Vogue magazine to contemporary design blogs all play their part to inform this construction.

Marsh has won a series of prestigious Art Awards from Japan and the UK and graduated in 2008 with First Class Honours from Brighton University. Over the last few years Marsh’s work has appeared in a series of group shows across London and a large solo show in the Octagon in Bath.

For more information visit SAMARSH

Sam looks forward to the art on display at the Populace Plays event as well as a Christmas drink or two during of the amazing music line up.

Friday 26 November 2010

Hold the Press!

Populace has been recently featured in the loca Press; for those who are either not from yocal stock or are out of the ye olde shire, here is the article for your reference.

See you on the 23rd.


Monday 22 November 2010

Intro to the Artists: Gary King


So to further kick off the intro to the artists; we would like to introduce you to Gary King; a Plymouth born chap, who grew up on the creatively paved streets of the Glastonbury area and now resides in the little village of Evercreech.
            The West Country for West Country folk means a lot, it is beautiful and inspiring, quaint and spiritual, quiet yet bursting with life. Gary has found this applies as it is does for others, to himself and his passion; Stonemasonry. He takes inspiration from the scenic coastlines, traditional rural pastimes and even the curious [I mean unusual!] country folk. Gary’s stonework’s can be said to be an interesting mix of both contemporary and rustic benefitted from a priceless [yet rare] knowledge of traditional stonemasonry and stone carving.
With his positive and communicative stone sculptures viewers are invited to observe Gary’s thoughts, emotions and ideas as solid form.

“Long summer days, short winter days, childhood, holidays, travels to foreign lands, good and bad times spent with family and friends, memorable highs and lows of my own life all lie behind these sculptures”
Gary King

Caen Stone, or Pierre de Caen as it is sometimes known, is a fine light creamy yellow Jurassic limestone quarried in Northern France near to the city of Caen. It was formed in shallow lagoons about 167 million years ago.

Portland is also Jurassic limestone and is quarried on the Isle of Portland in Dorset. Portland stone has been used extensively as a building stone throughout the British Isles. The tower of London and the National Gallery are both made of Portland Stone.


For my Sweetheart – Caen & Portland
This piece represents the growth of a relationship. The flowers are fully formed as the relationship is in full bloom. But this relationship is forever set in stone; it is a bunch of flowers that will never die.

Saline - Portland
Saline was inspired by the north coastline of Cornwall, and the surf that continuously pounds the coast, summer time, winter time, all the time. I wanted to capture the taste of the salty air when you breathe in, the smell, the way the air clings to your clothes. The spectacular wave.

A Thousand Thrills – Caen
Music. Music can be a major inspiration for me and I feel that this piece in particular sits well with the Populace Plays idea. Music can evoke an emotion and take a person away from the everyday and transport them. With headphones on a person is separate from the outside world, and in another place that can be calm, exciting, uplifting, sad, reminiscent and in fact it could be anywhere.

Mind of its Own – Richmonte Cream
The sea has a mind of its own. A powerful thing, I remember as a child watching the beautiful waves rolling, getting bigger and finally crashing against the shoreline. When I watch waves now they give me that sense of wonder I had as a child. 

The Soul of my Foot – Caen
This sculpture has really been inspired by the soles of my feet, I have walked in some fantastic places and my feet have felt incredibly diverse terrain. Seeing is believing and feeling is understanding. A foot passes an incredible amount of information to the brain, temperature, balance, texture, gradient, like, dislike, slippy? I enjoy visiting coves that have pebble beaches, they really inspire me, the feeling of ships that have sailed by and the people that have walked on them. The sound of the pebbles grinding against each other, almost as if they are telling the story.    

 We hope you enjoy this Monday dish of excitement, awareness, anticipation and pleasure.

See you at PP

Sunday 14 November 2010


In the momentum that is starting to gather full steam, Populace Plays is starting to be noticed. The rather creative chaps over at Young Creative Council, showed an interest and asked for a Weekly Score.

A Weekly Score you say? Yes, a weekly score!

It is the title for their Weekly addict's fix for creative types. It has a great following on Facebook (approx 2,000) and a cracking site to boot.

Here is a few words from the article, but if you want the full slice of artist's juice, here you go.

Be gentle, this one buises like a peach!

"I have spent this whole year reflecting and creating work with this in mind. I am lucky (and arrogant enough) to say I am a technically good drawer, yet in past portfolios I have produced physically beautiful pieces, but without any real depth. I have however [I feel] changed that and I am launching a whole new portfolio for a one night only, must see event on Christmas eve’s eve – The Populace Plays. Located in a dark corner of Somerset, In front of every single person I hold dear, each acquaintance I have made, and every member of the public who has once heard my name and attended; I shall stand transparent as an artist."

This Exhibition; as much of a re-birth of art for everyone, it is also a journey that has gone through many hard times, city floors, broken studio doors, cow sheds, top secret highly technical hiding technology and creatively injected elbow greese. It will be an  event to not miss and offers everything you could want in a night out (kitchen sinks not included).

Happy Sunday


Thursday 28 October 2010

Laura Rose @ Ronnie Scotts

Tuesday 26th October
Laura Rose
@ Ronnie Scotts

On the first floor, above the world famous Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club is Ronnie’s Bar. This is awesome. It was designed by the French architect Jacques Garcia and is used today for the same reason it was used for by the founders; to showcase new talent. Its walls have bare witness to some of the greatest jazz musicians in history and this Tuesday it was home to the quaint tenderness of Laura Rose Dickson. Her delicate eyes peer down at the floor, before locking her gaze onto the mesmerized many who have formed a tight half moon around the edge of her spotlight. Her lyrics are truly sincere, and Laura engages an audience the way any performer should.  The faint occasional falter of her voice goes unnoticed, because her natural talent is extraordinary.


Laura’s story is inspiring; after an injury that saw her unable to play the Cello again, she picked up a guitar with an untiring passion and began to play. We can’t help but watch Laura and be gleefully reminded of Sandy Dennie, yet her whispers of folk present subtle memories of Diane Cluck and Joanna Newsom.

Laura Rose and her 7-piece band are delightful and we are excited she will be playing Populace, and certainly will be a highlight in the winter twilight.
